Rocky Mountain Over the Hill Gang (RMOTHG)

Along the front range, the RMOTHG is considered the group to join if you’re over 50 and looking for outdoor activities, camaraderie and adventure!  With over 900 members participating in year-round outdoor and social activities, you’re sure to find something that fits your schedule and your comfort level.

We offer a wide range of outdoor activities during the week —

  • From the foothills to the peaks, our A and B (and occasionally C) rated weekly hikes are designed to meet the diverse fitness levels and needs of our members.
  • Our weekly urban and mountain biking rides provide our members with options. Do you feel like a terrapin, a hare or a gazelle this week? Choose the ride you’re comfortable with and start pedaling.
  • When the snow files, we change from hiking boots to snowshoes or x-country skis and take to the trails, offering weekly trips rated easy, moderate or difficult.
  • Each year we organize a winter hut trip and a summer camping trip for our members.

Our social get-togethers are designed to appeal to a wide variety of interests –

  • Annually, members enjoy a summer picnic and a festive holiday party. We also hold an annual dinner meeting and awards banquet, where we celebrate our members and honor our volunteers.
  • Each month our social committee organizes an outing. We’ve tasted wine and beer, raced go karts, tested e-bikes, watched plays, gone lawn bowling, seen art exhibits and enjoyed meeting friends old and new at happy hours throughout the greater metro area.

How do I find out about RMOTHG activities?

Our monthly email and online newsletter, Hill Topics, is the key to learning about all upcoming RMOTHG activities.

As a member of RMOTHG, you can sign up to receive any or all of the weekly hiking, biking, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing email announcements of the trips each week.

You can then register for the trips you want to participate in on the CMC website.

How do I join the Rocky Mountain Over the Hill Gang section?

Select this section when you sign up for your new CMC membership. This section has additional dues of $15 per year beyond your CMC membership dues. The dues go towards training and equipment for our volunteer leaders and make it possible for us to offer our annual picnic and awards banquet at a reduced cost to our members.

If you are already a CMC member and want to join the RMOTHG,  just give us a call at 303.279.3080 or email and we will set up your RMOTHG membership.

Click here for an Archive of the Monthly RMOTHG Newsletters

Click Here for the RMOTHG Governing Documents

Click Here for the RMOTHG Section Committee Minutes

Click Here for the RMOTHG 2020 Annual Statistics