Route Finding Trip

Once the BMS field trips and lectures are over, students will need to plan and execute a Route Finding field trip in order to demonstrate that they understand the principles and skills taught in BMS. Of course, qualified trip leaders will be there too, but the students will lead the way. This trip should involve snow travel and use a non-standard approach to the summit.

This trip may involve the students having to select a route over terrain that they may never have actually seen, except on a map.¬† Be sure to try to see the “big picture” from a distance.¬† Often from a distance, dead ends may be more readily apparent.

Most of the peaks climbed on the Route Finding field trip are off the beaten path.  Most likely, you will not run into many other climbers.

The Route Finding Field Trip is equivalent to at least a moderate “C” hike.¬† The trip usually involves a round-trip distance of 10 to 15 miles and an elevation gain of 2500 to 3500 feet.

Now it’s time to put it all together…THE HIGH PEAK CLIMB