BMS Prerequisites and Orientation Meeting


Admission to BMS is open to people who are at least eighteen years old and who meet the following requirements:

1) have attended an orientation session at the CMC

2) have a current CMC membership

3) possess at least a Denver group C hiking classification (do not delay getting this classification)

4) prepay the $295 tuition(An additional $50 for non-Denver Group members is required).

Potential BMS students do not need to possess any previous technical rock climbing experience. They do need to possess conditioning and stamina.


ATTENDANCE at ONE meeting is REQUIRED. On Tuesday, January 7 and Monday, January 13, 2014, 6:30 p.m. at the CMC Conference Rooms in Golden. The BMS application forms and payment are due by Friday, February 28, 2014.

Enrollment in BMS will be dictated by the number of qualified instructors available, in order to maintain the low student/instructor ratio (2:1). If more people apply than can be accommodated, priority will be based on the evaluation of the applicant‚ responses to their complete and acceptable application and on volunteer service to the Colorado Mountain Club.

If you are not committed to attending all of the lectures and field trips please consider applying when you can make the full commitment. This will allow room in the school for those who are able to complete course.

If you have any questions regarding BMS, please contact the BMS Director, Bill Haneghan via e-mail ( ).  E-mail is the preferred method of contact and will result in the most timely response.

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