Hard Snow Practice Day

The objective of the Hard Snow field trip is to extend the soft snow techniques to hard snow and low angle ice using crampons, and to apply those techniques to a practical snow climb. This session is not intended to repeat the self arrest, belaying, and rappelling segments previously practiced in the Soft Snow field trip. A practical climb using both skills learned in soft and hard snow will be performed at the conclusion of the Hard Snow practice.

During Hard Snow practice, you will learn the proper techniques of using crampons to travel on hard snow and ice. Make sure that your boots are suitable for use with crampons and that the crampons are properly fitted and adjusted before arriving for this field trip.  The last thing you want to have to do is make the proper adjustments at 3:00 in the morning!

After some practice with the crampons, the rest of the day will be devoted to a snow climb.  Because the climb needs to completed before the snow gets too soft, you will probably be getting up really early.  This may be your first experience with a good Alpine Start (in the dark).

Not done yet!  Next up is the Route Finding Field Trip…